Group Updates Summer 2021

Rachel successfully graduated in spring of 2021 and is now working as a Postdoc at the NIH!

We had two great REU students join us this summer, Jacqueline and Salil. They made a lot of progress on each of their projects during the summer. Expect to see papers published on those topics soon 😃.

We published a few more papers, they can all be found in the publications section of the website. (Well, not anymore, but you can find a link there to locations where you can find them 😁).

Together with his colleague Paul Thomas, Dr. Handel taught another year of within-host modeling and immunology at SISMID 2021. This was the 13th year of teaching this workshop. Materials used in this workshop can be found on our Simulation Modeling and Immunology website.

I’ve made updates to the website, mostly simplifying things. Let me know if anything does not work.

Andreas Handel
Andreas Handel

Data Analytics and Modeling, with a focus on Infectious Diseases.